Friday, September 25, 2015

Breaking news

                   **BREAKING NEWS**


We were called out early this morning to cover a breaking news story in the small town of Sierra Vista, AZ. Two maintenance men were doing there normal rounds of their property when they discovered something unusual. "We were doing the same thing we do everyday, and that's when we saw it." They were checking the grounds to make sure they were to the company standards as they always do, but something looked a little different with the water bottom. "It looked normal at first glance, but we saw something spectacular at the bottom. It looked like the wing to an airplane." They were unable to get a clear look from the distance to the water, so they called us in. We worked hand in hand, after 2 extrenous minutes of recovery efforts, we were able to move the object to shallow water for a better look. "When we got it closer, it was very clear it was an airplane, an almost complete one at that." Judging from the water damage on the wings, it had been underwater for some time now. We asked them, what kind of plane do you think it is? "Well Sally, since it's at the bottom of the water, we can safely assume it must be a Japanese war plane from WWII." They removed the plane from the pool and continued with work as usual.      

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My brothers

Sleep is not always good
Lacking our brotherhood.
But thinking of the day
That one day we may.

This is one reason
For my refuse to treason.
I always drive on
Even though you're gone.

Five years has been a while
Without the look of your smile
Or the sound of your voice
To drown my head from noise.

The day has turned to night
But I will never stop my fight.
The things you taught me
Are the reason for my light.

Until we meet again
I have my bottle of gin.
The thoughts I always have
I will spill with my pen.

The blood you have shed
Is to what this has led.
So I bow my head
And take my daily bread.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Current issues

This is very true, and non excusable! Historically, that was the norm. Just like how they left women out of that particular phrase because they too were less than equal. However, thanks to the hard work, dedication, and lives shed, the northern army in the civil war (45.4% white Americans) defeated the south and freed the blacks from slavery. Roughly 9.5% of the army was African Americans either free born or ex slave. The remaining 45.1% of the army consisted of Irish, French, Indian, Canadian, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, English, Polish, Jewish, Italian, Mexican, Finnish, Danish, and various other ethnicities. The oppression didn't end there but it was a big domino they tipped which led us all to freedom ultimately. So if you want to go back in time with your comments, go back in time with the facts. There were white "politicians" in that era who knew it was wrong and gave their lives for defending that stance. Like everything else in life, it's like cooking... You can't throw ingredients in a pan and voila, a casserole. It takes time, patience, dedication and knowledge with the right application. I'm not saying we forget the events of history, buy only that we remember them, and only remember them. If you constantly look behind you, you will never see what is in front of you. If we, a singular nation of people, keep dividing and reverting to old ways of thinking, what do you think will be the outcome? History is a lesson, and if you dwell in it, it will surely repeat. If girls always get hurt by assholes, but that's all they date, will they not continue to get hurt? It is only when you change your perspective, angle or way of thinking that you can progress. You cannot jump over a wall if you keep cutting your legs off. This is what SOME "white politicians" want, and if we continue this course of thought, dwelling in history, it is surely what they will get, a divided nation once again. I will repeat something I said not too long ago, when your have seen the evils of war and what we are capable of doing to one another first hand, it is the last thing you wish for. If we keep dividing ourselves with these uneducated thoughts to be "cool" or more like sheep, war is what you will get. And this is something many of you think is glorious, but when it happens, you will wish you were a leader instead of a follower. We all have these fantasies of what it would be like and what we would do because of movies... It is nothing like the movies. The closest I've been to the feeling of war, without going back to war, was the movie Fury. So watch that, and try to put yourself in his shoes watching his friends die with no help, and nothing you can do. If you can successfully feel what they portrayed, you will know it is nothing you should welcome. What kind of world are we or you creating for our / your children? We need to unite again! This is the UNITED states, not the the DIVIDED states. Wake up people.
