Saturday, November 7, 2015

Is your family struggling? Here's why!

Corporations can make or break family

      I'm sure we all fantasize about having enough financials to work for ourselves or to be able to retire and live comfortably. But therein lies part of the problem, we get caught up in the monotonous activities of life. People don't often get to actually "live", they just go by day after day and wither away.
     On some levels, I agree that as a simple florist or bookkeeper you can make ends meet. But what happens when there is, say, a woman and 2 children involved? Yes they could have a meaningful job that gives them satisfaction, but that doesn't always cut it. Sometimes you literally need to make better money to provide. Unless the florist or bookkeeper happens to be in a management role of a successful shop, they most likely will not make enough money to support them.
     Lets say the woman works too at some other mid level position, now we have two working bodies in the equation. Throw in some rent, utilities, 1 car payment, car insurance, gas, health insurance for 4, tuition for kids school, activities for the kids, food for 4, clothes for the seasons for 4, some small gifts for birthdays and holidays and maybe some random movies to relax...all of the sudden the ends are not meeting by any means. One or both of them needs better position jobs. Remember, that was all of the monotonous things in life, there was nothing in there to include actually "living", which would be another incurred expense. Those are no fallacies, they are life.

     This brings me to the main focus of my article, corporations. If the two adults in the scenario had a piece of paper with the word "degree" written on it, they could probably both get in better positions, Corporations are so stingy and full of greed that they have forgotten that they once were struggling to make means work until another corporation saw their degrees and certifications and picked them up.

     So society might now suggest that one of them at a time goes to college in pursuit of a degree. Alright, lets look at that. pick a degree plan and look up tuition, books and fees, and other assorted costs that go along with it. Can you honestly see any room in the 2 adults budget of time or money that would allow either of them to pursue a degree?

     Say they hypothetically can afford it, barely. So one of them takes night classes, it's a sacrifice they are trying to make to better their family. Are you familiar with the stress of a family on a really tight budget? They are both over stressed and over worked, arguments arise, bills are piling up, some to collections but they have each other at the end of the day to remain sane. But now they don't have that because one of them is in night classes cause they cannot afford to quit working, so they pretty much don't see each other and the kids only see them on the weekend. That is very similar to a best case scenario divorce, which is what they most likely will be headed for before anyone can attain a degree and land a better paying job for the family.

     Does that sound like either of them want that? No, they probably don't but sometimes life happens and the family will fall apart in the process of trying to make itself better. Now that they are divorced, the scenario has just doubled the rent, utilities and maybe the another set of vehicle expenses. So it actually gets worse, and that's if the parent that doesn't have the children is actually trying to help out still by paying child support and splitting other costs. Now how often does one of them actually buckle down and continue with their parental duties? Not as often as we would like to think. It usually dumps all of the responsibilities onto one person, look it up and you will see. Does this scenario and all of the information provided always play out this way? Not always, sometimes one of them can actually catch a break and get a good connection with a great job. But then again, how often does THAT happen?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Want a new job? Here's what's wrong with corporate America!

We don't "need" you per say, you need us. You're the company and we're the employees, yes we understand the importance of that structure. However, without the employee, you are not a company. You need people to work for you to keep the company alive, to keep making yourself more money. We do not however need to make you money or keep you alive.
You see, corporations have become so self absorbed that they have forgotten where the true power lies, with its employees and not the leadership. If you get mad at us you could fire us and we'd be forced to find another job, no big deal. If the employee got mad at you, they could either bring to light or create false allegations that could bring down your company. Do you see the point? Whether the allegations are true or not is beside the point. They could bring upon so much bad press that others would reconsider doing business with you. That is where the power truly lies, in the employees.

Many companies say, we need to find someone that can do this and that and has "x" amount of experience doing it...good luck! The fact is, you have decided to quit training people to do exactly what you want because it makes you a little extra money. So you opt to wait patiently for the right person. Well, what happens when you think you struck gold and found that person who meets your requirements...they have bad habits or you have to do some training anyway.

So instead of setting such high and outrageous qualifications, find someone who has the capability to be everything you want, who has the character and the loyalty. You can train them to be EXACTLY what you want! They won't have preestablished bad habits because you have trained them to do things exactly as you want them to. We don't "need" to work for you, you're the one that needs us to work for you, so stop making it so difficult.

The beginnings of my adult life were spent in the military, one thing they teach you is to adapt and overcome. I can find ways to manage and get by with out you, but can you? Or do you really need someone to work that job?

I have loyalty beyond your comprehension, I am creative beyond your dreams, I am valued beyond your pocket book and yet I am humble in many ways, except for my own worth. I have been trained from no knowledge, in 16 weeks, on how to save your life from a variety of combat injuries or accidents.

To save someone's life is the most complicated thing you can do, because there are so many uncontrollable variables, including the fact that while I'm saving them, people are still trying to kill me too. I have successfully done that many times and have documentation to verify that.

So let me be blunt, there is nothing you can possibly try to teach me that I cannot master in a timely manner. There isn't a stressful situation you could place me in that I could not control my composure, maintain my ability to critically think, stay focused or improvise to accomplish my mission. Saving a life takes both attention to detail and patience. Wrong move at the wrong time without seeing a sign and they are gone. Punctuality is another key because your moves must be punctual, on time at the right time.

I am both creative and a deep thinker, I write poetry, and I like to build things. All of which require the ability to think beyond ones self and focus on an idea, and also extreme patience. I have the ability to work in a team role or a leadership role and excel in both, I also have experience in both.

So before you shut me down without a chance to even show you who I am and what I am capable of doing and learning, think first. Were you not at one point in my shoes looking for a better job and life? We're you never a tadpole in a big pond? Most likely you were, but you have since forgotten what it was like.

Remember. Plain and simple, remember where you came from. We, veterans, are capable of being just as great or even better than the little college kid with a piece of paper that hasn't worked a hard day in their life. We know what hard is!

The army has many values, but these they instill in us above all from day one: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. And for the curious, yes, I myself am a veteran who has been to war. I am desperately looking for a better job and life, and I am relentlessly being turned down.

It all leads back to corporations only wanting people with a degree. I am sorry I wasn't spoon fed a great ticket in life. But you have no idea the talent you keep brushing aside. The talent that has dreams and aspirations and real world knowledge, rather than classroom notes. The loss is sadly yours, not mine.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Breaking news

                   **BREAKING NEWS**


We were called out early this morning to cover a breaking news story in the small town of Sierra Vista, AZ. Two maintenance men were doing there normal rounds of their property when they discovered something unusual. "We were doing the same thing we do everyday, and that's when we saw it." They were checking the grounds to make sure they were to the company standards as they always do, but something looked a little different with the water bottom. "It looked normal at first glance, but we saw something spectacular at the bottom. It looked like the wing to an airplane." They were unable to get a clear look from the distance to the water, so they called us in. We worked hand in hand, after 2 extrenous minutes of recovery efforts, we were able to move the object to shallow water for a better look. "When we got it closer, it was very clear it was an airplane, an almost complete one at that." Judging from the water damage on the wings, it had been underwater for some time now. We asked them, what kind of plane do you think it is? "Well Sally, since it's at the bottom of the water, we can safely assume it must be a Japanese war plane from WWII." They removed the plane from the pool and continued with work as usual.      

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My brothers

Sleep is not always good
Lacking our brotherhood.
But thinking of the day
That one day we may.

This is one reason
For my refuse to treason.
I always drive on
Even though you're gone.

Five years has been a while
Without the look of your smile
Or the sound of your voice
To drown my head from noise.

The day has turned to night
But I will never stop my fight.
The things you taught me
Are the reason for my light.

Until we meet again
I have my bottle of gin.
The thoughts I always have
I will spill with my pen.

The blood you have shed
Is to what this has led.
So I bow my head
And take my daily bread.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Current issues

This is very true, and non excusable! Historically, that was the norm. Just like how they left women out of that particular phrase because they too were less than equal. However, thanks to the hard work, dedication, and lives shed, the northern army in the civil war (45.4% white Americans) defeated the south and freed the blacks from slavery. Roughly 9.5% of the army was African Americans either free born or ex slave. The remaining 45.1% of the army consisted of Irish, French, Indian, Canadian, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, English, Polish, Jewish, Italian, Mexican, Finnish, Danish, and various other ethnicities. The oppression didn't end there but it was a big domino they tipped which led us all to freedom ultimately. So if you want to go back in time with your comments, go back in time with the facts. There were white "politicians" in that era who knew it was wrong and gave their lives for defending that stance. Like everything else in life, it's like cooking... You can't throw ingredients in a pan and voila, a casserole. It takes time, patience, dedication and knowledge with the right application. I'm not saying we forget the events of history, buy only that we remember them, and only remember them. If you constantly look behind you, you will never see what is in front of you. If we, a singular nation of people, keep dividing and reverting to old ways of thinking, what do you think will be the outcome? History is a lesson, and if you dwell in it, it will surely repeat. If girls always get hurt by assholes, but that's all they date, will they not continue to get hurt? It is only when you change your perspective, angle or way of thinking that you can progress. You cannot jump over a wall if you keep cutting your legs off. This is what SOME "white politicians" want, and if we continue this course of thought, dwelling in history, it is surely what they will get, a divided nation once again. I will repeat something I said not too long ago, when your have seen the evils of war and what we are capable of doing to one another first hand, it is the last thing you wish for. If we keep dividing ourselves with these uneducated thoughts to be "cool" or more like sheep, war is what you will get. And this is something many of you think is glorious, but when it happens, you will wish you were a leader instead of a follower. We all have these fantasies of what it would be like and what we would do because of movies... It is nothing like the movies. The closest I've been to the feeling of war, without going back to war, was the movie Fury. So watch that, and try to put yourself in his shoes watching his friends die with no help, and nothing you can do. If you can successfully feel what they portrayed, you will know it is nothing you should welcome. What kind of world are we or you creating for our / your children? We need to unite again! This is the UNITED states, not the the DIVIDED states. Wake up people.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

To cherish

What does it mean to cherish what you have?

This is something I have asked myself for some time now
and here is my answer...

I think to cherish what you have is to savor a thought or a memory.
To carry it with you everywhere you go in order to be reminded of
how lucky you are. To realize that at any minute your world and life
could come to a complete. You will only be known by what you have done
and remembered by what you have said or didn't say.
So you attempt to live and love the best you know how.
So that the ones you hold dear will have no doubt how you feel and how 

they mean so much to you.

Whether it's immediate family or a spouse, give them the comfort of knowing that the preacher wont need to lie at your funeral. Amaze them, dance to the  edge of losing yourself and then come back so that they know your true. Do not falter and always tell them you love them, for tomorrow is only a gift from God.

Keep your head up soldier

Life is like a roller coaster brother, there's ups and downs, and even times you seem to go back the direction you came from. Like a roller coaster, that's not what you want to do, you want to keep moving forward to see what else it has in store for you. No matter how twisted and turned around it may seem like it gets, you're always on the track and moving forward. There is no sense in wishing you could go back and do things differently for two reasons; The first being that it is literally impossible to do that. The second is because you wouldn't be the person you are today. Let's say you did go back and change some things about your life, it's like a domino effect. You may have changed something as simple as what you wore in school, which would affect who you hung out with, what you did and became in life, and possibly even you meeting the wonderful woman that bore kids with you. One thing is for certain, you must always live on no matter how hard life gets and no matter how much shit you take. If you feel like you can't live on for yourself, live on for your brothers that no longer have that choice. Live on and see what beauty and pain there is to this world, because they don't get to anymore. All the heartache and happy times, all the drama and laughter, all things they no longer get to experience. As their brother in arms, it is your duty to continue on for them and experience these things. You are not alone in this struggle, we all face this and we are all here together, as brothers.
